What Happens When I Yell at My Husband

June 2020 - Stock Photo - Blog 6.19.20.jpg

Last weekend, I yelled at my husband. 

It was one of those moments that was so incredibly small, but a few years ago would have gone nuclear.

We were unpacking the car and he went to open the trunk, but it wouldn’t open. I could hear the mechanism unlocking over and over again, but the trunk was stuck. Now, my husband has a tendency to break things. Which I suppose sounds critical, so let me say… I wish my husband would be a bit more gentle with things.

I was annoyed, got out of the car, and snapped at him.

“What did you do to it?!”

He said, “nothing - it just won’t open.”

I, of course, didn’t believe him and walked away in a huff.

We played a game of lock and unlock on the car remotes and got nowhere. Finally, I got in the car and growled, “don’t touch it!”

<< This would have been the detonation point in the past. >> 

My husband came to the car door and calmly said:

“Do you hear yourself?” 

I immediately snapped out of emotional flooding and into reality.

“Yea, I’m sorry. Let me say it a different way… I’m feeling frustrated because…”

(Yes, I really said that). I explained why I was frustrated and what was underlying it. He did the same and shared how he felt when I spoke to him that way. It was quick, fairly painless, and we moved forward immediately.

My friends, that’s all it takes. The ability to see these interactions for what they are - overreactions and poor communication - and the willingness to do it over when you get it wrong.

It’s taken us years of practice to get to the point that it flows this smoothly (most of the time). But, I am so grateful that we handle tough situations this way. 

All the communication skills, conflict resolution strategies, and rituals of connection work together to cultivate the relationship you truly desire.

The 1 hour walk we took on Sunday where we talked about our dreams for the future, watching our new TV show before bed, and having a coffee together in the morning all prime us to give one another the benefit of the doubt, assume positive intentions, and forgive missteps easily.

 Let me ask you - have you ever had a moment like this blow up? Tell me in the comments below.


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